27 March 2017


I'd talked about my musical tastes a few days ago, but it's funny how my tastes can run the gamut. And then, there are sometimes I hear a song completely randomly and it stuns me. And then I can't get enough of it.

I heard "Eternal Eternity" while watching Sailor Moon Crystal. It's probably my favorite of the Sailor Moon songs. I love, as well, how they'd managed to entagle the names Haruka and Michiru grammatically into the song lyrics.

The Count is my favorite Sesame Street character, and I suppose it's partly his OCD. His songs are incredibly catchy, and his songs are the only ones I really know by heart. The other two I know are "The Lambaba" and "The Count Goes To School." They're all so fun!

"WARRIORS" was a jolt. After hearing episode after episode of "Wild Ride" and kind of getting used to that, having this song, which I absolutely love, come on was welcome. It ends up being the theme song that has the most amount of episodes it precedes. I like how they'd played around a little bit with when they'd play it, too. Sometimes they would just start the episode with it. Sometimes they would start the episode, and then have something relatively shocking or pausing happen, and then start "WARRIORS." Other times still, they'd do kind of a "Previously on..." and, usually Anzu or Yugi, they'd narrate and then the theme begins. It's super-catchy.

I'd heard this song as one of those they intersperse PRI's "The World" with as the show goes on. I had to find out what that song was.

I'd heard "Blow" as part of a Vine clip, which was a little annoying. Thankfully, there were people in the comments who were also, like, "What is this song?" and there were people who'd answered it. I can't say I'm an immense Beyoncé fan. I know I've tried to give her some shots. I remember there was a commercial that had runway models walking and I was wondering "What is that?!" It ended up being the beginning of "Girls (Who Runs The World?)". It upset me that the rest of the song wasn't as entrancing as that beginning! I'm glad that "Blow" makes up for it.

I don't even remember how I came on this song. All I know is I'd heard it and was like this is the Metallica I know!!!

Yet another song I'd discovered via a Vine video (and a pleasant juxtaposition was it was a Supernatural fan's video featuring mostly Castiel). "TRKRTRT"!!!

So, that's a little jaunt into some of the music I like. There are lots more!

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