08 March 2017

Monday night's "Shadowhunters" midseason finale was packed with twists and some big reveals.

Monday night's "Shadowhunters" midseason finale was packed with twists and some big reveals.

Because oh my goodness...

I remember hearing about this show and I was reticent to start watching it. Then I heard there was a gay line in it and I became interested.

It wasn't until I saw they'd had it on Hulu that I'd actually given it a shot at watching, and the rest is history. It's completely engrossing... Well, maybe not as engrossing as I'd found it initially, but I still stay tuned. I tell you, though, I'm not sure what they're going to do with it next.

It surprised me that this was just a hiatus finale, since season 1 was pretty short.

Still, I'll take the extras. Not too many extras, but enough.

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