26 April 2010

Reading and Writing

Somehow, I don't really feel like I write enough, even though it's not my occupation, it's not something keeping me at complete peace, and neither does it edify others generally. I have little thoughts throughout the day, and then it's silence, essentially.

I'd gone though a stage at the beginning of this month where I'd read three books in five days (shocking for a book nibbler, and yet I have one book I'd not been reading quite as diligently.

It might be that there's more to take in with this current one.

I'm considering doing NaNoWriMo, and so I'm going to have to get back into scheduled free-writing. I need to keep sharp.

04 April 2010

Rasta & His Crocus Bag

A Rasta goes to the bank with a big crocus bag on his shoulder and places it on the counter in front of the Teller. The Teller opens the bag slowly and finds it is packed full with marijuana.

Shocked, the Teller asks, "What's this for?".

The Rastaman replies, "I man here to open ah joint account".