29 November 2008

Top 10 Useless Limbs (and Other Vestigial Organs)

LiveScience: "In Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859) and in his later works, he referred to several 'vestiges' in human anatomy that were left over from the course of evolution. These vestigial organs, Darwin argued, are evidence of evolution and represent a function that was once necessary for survival, but over time that function became either diminished or nonexistent."

Take a gander. It's fun reading.

26 November 2008

Business Travel: Hotel Reflaggings

washingtonpost.com: "Wasn't that Hilton a Marriott last week? What travelers need to know as hotels suffer from an identity crisis."

I know this well, because where I work, it's changed hands a few times, and my other post changed names as well. I can relate entirely.

Regenerating a Mammoth for $10 Million

NYTimes.com: Greatly fascinating, moderately scary at the extension of this research. They died for a reason, right?

20 BioScapes Contest Photos--Life Viewed through the Microscope

Scientific American: Take a look at these!

10 best ideas for greening your home that you've never heard of

DVICE: I agree with most of these, though the toilet set might be a little over-done. Conservation is part of the key, right?

Bill Marriott's Thanksgiving Greeting

Trying to wrap up all arguments against him into one message?

23 November 2008


In my Borders e-newsletter/weekly effort on their part to get us to buy-more-buy-more-buy-more, they had a banner highlighting the new Twilight movie out. Now, part of the thing with this movie is it's attractive-physically cast that's suppose to draw in the teenage girls, the gay guys to a lesser extent, and the odd tag-along boyfriend, but this banner didn't exactly come up to scratch.

Wow, Bella, Edward... Never looked better! :-D

18 November 2008

16 November 2008

10 Ways to Green Your Home

LiveScience: I know most of you don't have official homes that you can modify yourselves because either you rent or live in residence halls, but for those of you who can, or are about to, just a fw things to consider, eh?

15 November 2008

Unhappy People Watch More TV

Slashdot: I can vouch for that... I was a TV addict.

Meeting of Nations in Washington Draws Protests

Look at the signs... I'm starting to agree.

What is Putin's game?

BBC NEWS Europe: One of those articles my boss likes, because it's very conspiracy theory-esque. Still, it's quite probable in my view due to that Medvedev is where his is as president of Russia because of Putin.

Ovary transplant baby 'a miracle'

BBC NEWS Health: The world's just getting to be a more interesting place, the amount of technology and breakthroughs we're going through. Now, if we can just nip greed in the bud and start doing things because they're actually good for people and not because they're more profit-producing, we'd be set.

Bush Welcomes World Leaders to Washington

I try to keep myself up on world news and events as much as possible, but I surprised myself with the amount of world leaders I was able to actually identify by name via this video.

Raw Video: Dutch Set Domino Record

Wow! That's all I have to say about that...

10 November 2008

Make Cake in a Mug

Wired How-To Wiki: From my brother Ed's posting, I bring it to you all. I'm trying it roo, when I have the moment. It's not like I use my microwave much... I'm a traditionalist with my oven, but this is a good excuse indeed! I loves me sweeties!