08 March 2017

BBC News: 'Justin Bieber impostor' on 931 child sex-related charges

'Justin Bieber impostor' on 931 child sex-related charges
The man posed as the singer online to gain explicit material from children, Australian police say.


Seriously, this is probably the most amazing thing I've seen or heard this week.

Predation is something some people pride themselves on. "Oh, I'm an Alpha Male", even though they're really just annoying, boorish, and often ill-mannered. They pride themselves on getting the one-up on someone, or feel they can do whatever they please. I've seen posts of guys online who seem like predators, and they feel they're invincible, that no one else's feelings matter than their own satisfaction.

Then this guy decides to use the identity of another to further his goals.

It's… unfortunately a sadder side of humanity.

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