11 June 2017

Take Care of Yourself

There's general health to mind, as well as one's teeth, one's eyes, one's mental health… Then as things break down, one minds one's skin, feet, reproductive parts… The human body is wonderful in some senses (when taking Anatomy and Physiology back in high school, it amazed me how everything tries to balance itself).

As we break down, though, we rely on medications to mitigate that breakdown. If we have mental "illness", or at least difference that might make interactions with other humans more difficult for ourselves and/or others, we have medications for that. And these medications may or may not have patents that may or may not make them sometimes prohibitively expensive (whether or not one has insurance, another sometimes necessary evil).

I've been thinking a lot about the human body these last few weeks as I notice things that I didn't before, or things that happen more frequently than they once had done…

Whatever, body. Whatever.

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