03 May 2017

#RASP - Rant Around Several Paragraphs #5: Driving Habits

On May 2, 2017, I'd felt awe at people's driving habits like I haven't felt in a while.

I've spoken about my distaste for people and their driving habits before, but that day really had me in awe and frustration.

There's the person who wanted to turn into my lane, and I into hers. I was ahead of her, but she wasn't slowing down (so defensive driver me didn't pull over). She revs forward and then comes in front of me. Is it so hard to apply the brakes?
Thinking about it on the way home, though, I think it might be partly strategy: let me hold everyone else behind me back and then that person can get into the lane.

Then there was this stupid driver at my exit who, just because she's driving a big vehicle, muscles her way into my lane so she can get in front of me. Then another vehicle tries to get into the same lane from the opposite side, and so she muscles her way to get back in front of the other vehicle. This same pushy/bully driver then muscles her way back into a third lane in front of everyone else.

Today, traffic was really worse than I'd seen it in a while, and it's partly because people were using other lane to try to cut in line in front of everyone else. There was a multi-vehicle trailer that literally held up a lane for about two miles back trying to cut into an exit lane.

People who drive like this, I'm trying to understand. We all have places to where we'd like to arrive, but I don't understand the lack of patience, the lack of concern, and the utter offensiveness of their driving.

One of my co-workers got in an accident that totaled his car yesterday. I don't mean to victim-bash, especially when hearing a description of how the other person drove it sounds sad, but I've seen the way my co-worker drives. He's not a saint on the road himself, and has even expressed he dislikes road rules and speed limits.

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