27 August 2013

Should You Have a Gun?

Partial reference: http://goo.gl/0x79DV

As soon as I'd heard the words "shouldn't have had a gun," I'd wanted to go desperately to Facebook and pull out another gun control debate aspect, but I think everyone's kind of gunned out. Still, I need to get this out.

As you may or may not know, I believe in controlling guns. I believe there are certain guns for certain occasions, and not everyone should have the most powerful and modern out there just because they want to.

Hearing, though, that someone who has had criminal convictions in the past, and who therefore should not have a gun, makes me wonder why people want to make it so easy to obtain one?

People seem to be most against the easy transfer of guns between family members. It just takes one relative who feels that the offending relative "isn't a criminal" and that "everyone is against him" to give that offending relative - who may be trying to falsely ingratiate himself to the family member - a gun.

Then Hell could break loose.

Why don't we have background checks again?

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