17 October 2013

Singles Awareness?

Something I see on message boards and hear every now and then is some people grousing about why guys and girls constantly complain they don't have boyfriends and girlfriends. They should be happy with being single, that it shouldn't be a great concern.
I think it's not as easy as they say.  Just now I'd seen a Georgia Power commercial featuring a father, mother, and kids. The news I watch constantly has advisories for people with families, or ways that husbands can do things for their wives or vice-versa. Gun rights activists talk about protecting your families.
Certainly, it shouldn't be an all-out focus for people. If you're single, it shouldn't be your life's focus to get a partner, but this world does remind singles there aren't many arenas for them.
"God didn't mean for us to be alone."

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