02 October 2008

2008 Vice-Presidential Candidate Debate Thoughts

I caught it a little late because my computer was defragmenting, but when I did, I was glad I stayed to watch it. It's the first thing I watched as a person newly without cable!
I liked this one better than the Presidential Candidate debate #1 because they actually interacted. They weren't (completely) hostile, though Sarah Palin sounded scripted. Glad to see she doesn't change very much, eh?

The only thing about Joe Biden is that he kept pronouncing things really... interestingly. On pronunciations, Sarah Palin says "nucular" instead of "nuclear."

I liked that they were rather light-hearted. They both smiled, and took strides with it. There were a few jabs, and even a low blow that had me going "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH" out loud, but it was good.

During the debate I was drawing Sarah Palin's U.S. flag pin because I liked the design. I'm a horrible artist, but it gave me a chance to test out my new (and by new I mean second-hand) graphics tablet. I like it so far. Hopefully I can develop another side of my creativity.

So, there's my horrible artwork up above! Toodles!

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