04 September 2017

Creepy Revenge

Kristopha Hohn (@seishin17)
I really don't get the mindset of not-clinically-crazy people who *save* excrement (liquid/solid) specifically to use it on/against someone.

I'd written this after hearing that, apparently, sometime fairly recently a guy had thrown a cup of pee at a bus driver. The guy was on a bus... and had a cup of pee ready to throw on a bus driver. That's... insane.

It's about as insane as this woman I'd heard about who'd been having a conversation/argument with her husband. He'd fallen asleep, so (naturally) she'd set him on fire and then put out the fire with some urine she'd had conveniently. At least with this one, they were at home, so she conceivably could have had a bedpan or something to put it out. Setting him on fire and then putting it out with pee, that's... interesting.

I'd also had on the thought docket the anecdotes and comedy movie fodder I've seen over the years of people putting bags of dog feces in front of people's doors, lighting it on fire, ringing the doorbell and then running. This leaves the occupant of the house to open the door (almost always male), see the flames, and stamp on the flames (and the bag of shit) to put it out. What person waits for their dog to need to defecate, collect it in a paper bag, and then store it (somehow) until it comes time to play the prank? What person?

I've heard of really extremist (and, in my opinion, cracked) PETA folks throwing combinations of feces and urine on their targets.

Then, this still doesn't give me reasons on my tweet: what non-crazy person does this, and why?

Well, the why, I can understand somewhat. Excrement is something we as humans really dislike for the most part. We want to get rid of it. We want nothing to do with it, and we want to remove ourselves from it as quickly as we're able. I've said excretion is one of the vital human functions I'd rather not have to do (along with eating, and most times, sleeping). Using excrement against someone is a giant insult to that person, then, or at least a way to demean that person.

The storage of it, though, that's... dedication.

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