08 April 2017

CBC news : Renowned Canadian chef Vikram Vij on appealing to 'picky eaters'

​Vikram Vij, one of the best known chefs in the country, shared some tips on dealing with children that parents consider to be picky eaters Friday afternoon on CBC Toronto's Here and Now.


My sister was the only one who'd really gotten the moniker of "picky eater" among the three children, even though I'd probably be more selective than she. I only liked vanilla ice cream, I didn't like the "tree" part of broccoli, my sister would eat Fiber Muesli when I wouldn't...

There was even a time with the Fiber Muesli where my parents wouldn't let us leave the table until we'd finished it all, and four hours later I was still at the table. Then I'd tried to eat it and then I'd ended up vomiting it back into the bowl.

The chef has a good point, though my sister didn't really "become" a picky eater. She was just always pretty slow at eating (or maybe she was just a normal eater, and I was just a rapid one, and my brother, younger than her, was just growing).

Flash-forward: I end up being the vegetarian, my sister has one kid with G6PD deficiency and so she has to watch what she eats while the other one has a few food allergies, and my brother doesn't eat mammalian meat.

We all didn't die, though.

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