11 August 2017

Things That Leave Me Aghast

So, I saw this on my Facebook feed today…

All I could do was shake my head. Yes, I'm not an immense fan of his because of sometimes the way he reacts to others. I'd accepted on the day the results came out that he'd become the United States president and that, among other things, one should pray for him and the country like any other leader, and that he makes good decisions.

This, like some things that some would characterize he's said, is childish. It serves nothing more than to, as the poster of the video link put it, troll him. Trolling serve no purpose other than to antagonize; it is senseless antagonism.

Senseless antagonism is mindlessly calling him "The Cheeto" or "His Orangeness". And people who'd called President Obama or Hillary Clinton, or anyone else anything, or referred to them as anything other than their names or official titles (and not said them with disdain, even though they have the right to do so) does nothing to solve the ever-growing list of problems this world has.

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