06 March 2010

Nine More Airports To Get Body Scanners

The Associated Press - March 5, 2010: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124362553&sc=17&f=1001

This country is way too prudish. Every time there's something that makes just a few people just *a little bit* uncomfortable, people light their flames and say "it's a privacy invasion". People need to see the entire framework: there are people who care nothing for anyone. The only things on their minds are getting a body count and using that body count to spread fear, distrust and discord.

How many times do people have to worry about the TSA perving off their bodies?! The machines have no storage capabilities, you're not identifiable, and there's only the faintest hint of mammary outline. No one will see your vag, your labia, or whether you'd forgone getting a bikini wax. No one will see that you decided just this once have gone (or even that you always go) commando just for thrills.

Get a clue.

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