29 January 2010

NewScientist - Viruses 'r' Us

I found this article fascinating because it could mean that the only reason we're so different from all other forms of life on this planet, why we're the only things capable of dooming the planet entirely, is because we're a mélange of what was and millions of years of viral activity.

My Christian upbringing side of my brain yields this: God is a being that uses what we've known as science, subtle interactions of everything in the universe - physics, chemistry, and whatever else - to make things as they are. He experimented, came up with viruses, and experimented with those to eventually make us.

The sci-fi-ish part of me says otherwise. Define otherwise as something like the Alterani/Ancients, experimenting millions of years ago with whatever life comes on a planet in their ever-expanding goal of ascenscion. This is just one sci-fi view though. As pesky and arrogant as they've been in the Stargate universe, they're pretty cool-like.

My mind keeps spooling me to think about the divergeance between what a good number of Christian researchers have said in regards to how old everything truly is and what conventional science has said. My wanting to reconcile the two always leads me to think perhaps they're both on to something, but then we need to work on some things. Perhaps we've not discovered it yet, but it might be that time flows differently for God, and perhaps He's arranged a slowed-down version of time for us.

Always the experimenter.

I don't know; I'm a bit confused myself.

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